Plastic surgery foundation is one of the best examples of non-profit organizations in the world. The only difference is it is helping through plastic surgery operations. This form of philanthropy is concerned on the reconstruction of facial and body tissue that requires a reshaping or remolding due to disease, a defect, or disorder. Usually they go visit deprived communities and look for people who deserve to have such treatment. The objective of the said organization is to change the lives of those people who are before victims of lack of self-confidence in their selves and of course from cynicisms of the society. Plastic surgery foundation wants to give back the beauty that was once taken away from them.
Now the number of this kind of philanthropic organization is still increasing as well as its volunteers who are coming from different parts of the world. Most of the volunteers are certified plastic surgeons who have already gained the skills that they needed in doing their work so they want to share that talent to the needy. Aside from visiting deprived communities, the organization also accept people who have body deformities at the same time homeless and living along the streets. These people are always welcome to their organization, but temporarily only since it cannot accommodate these people for a long time. The organization provides only a temporary home for them, and after these people have undergone plastic surgery, they will now be turned over to another concerned agency to provide their other needs.
The goodness and greatness of plastic surgery foundation is really incomparable. Its kindness and the way it helps people is splendid. There is a saying that it takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a HOME. Yes, such organization is indeed a home because the spirit of love and beauty always reign inside it. Plastic surgery foundation deserves the title – The Home of Beauty.